Prudent Growth Participates in Sola 5K
On Saturday, September 16th, several team members from Prudent Growth participated in the annual Sola Hot Mini 5K in Raleigh, a popular community-wide fundraiser for ALS research and a cure.
Every year, Sola partners with the non-profit, Team Drea Foundation for the event. Andrea Pete was diagnosed with ALS in 2014 at age 33. In 8 months, she went from competing in triathlons to walking with a cane. Since then, she set out to participate in a marathon in all 50 states on her recumbent trike. On May 28, 2022, Andrea completed her goal in her final marathon in Alaska.
Sola expressed their gratitude for everyone's support and sponsorship, and PGP was proud and honored to be a part of this great cause in 2023.
Prudent Growth Cares is the community engagement arm of Prudent Growth Partners LLC. that seeks to foster relationships, advance good, and improve lives in communities around the globe. Our passion for serving others is at the heart of our philanthropic endeavors, donations, and charitable partnerships.